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Coin Dance

Bitcoin Nodes Summary

Last updated 4 hours ago.
(Corrected to omit duplicate and non-listening nodes)

There are currently 18870* public nodes running on the Bitcoin network.

18546 Bitcoin Core nodes

275 Bitcoin Knots nodes

21 btcd nodes

13 Bitcore nodes

6 Bitcoin UASF nodes

4 bcoin nodes

2 Bitcoin Unlimited nodes

1 libbitcoin node

1 TRB node

1 Bitcoin Classic node

All Nodes (current)

Bitcoin Nodes

All Nodes (historical)

Bitcoin Nodes

Bitcoin Core Nodes (historical)

Bitcoin Nodes

Bitcoin Knots Nodes (historical)

Bitcoin Nodes

btcd Nodes (historical)

Bitcoin Nodes

Bitcore Nodes (historical)

Bitcoin Nodes

Bitcoin UASF Nodes (historical)

Bitcoin Nodes

bcoin Nodes (historical)

Bitcoin Nodes

Bitcoin Unlimited Nodes (historical)

Bitcoin Nodes

libbitcoin Nodes (historical)

Bitcoin Nodes

TRB Nodes (historical)

Bitcoin Nodes

Bitcoin Classic Nodes (historical)

Bitcoin Nodes

Bitcoin Node Checker

Verify that your Bitcoin node is properly connected to the network

Bitcoin Node Implementations

Community-managed List of All Bitcoin Full Node Implementations

Bitcoin Core View create
Bitcoin Knots View create
btcd View create
Bitcore View create
Bitcoin UASF View create
bcoin View create
Bitcoin Unlimited View create
libbitcoin View create
TRB View create
Bitcoin Classic View create
Bitcoin XT View create
btc1 View create
Haskoin View create
pynode View create
Bitcoin-S View create
Bitcoinj View create
Parity-Bitcoin View create
Knuth View create
Toshi View create
Bitcoin F# View create
BitcoinEC View create
Bitcrust View create
Bitcoin (Bitpay Big Blocks) View create

Bitcoin Node Versions

See how many of each node implementation version is running on the Bitcoin network

100% of all publicly accessible Bitcoin nodes are using the latest consensus rules.

100% of all publicly accessible Bitcoin nodes are protected from the inflation vulnerability identified on Sep 17, 2018.

Node Version
Uses Latest Consensus Rules?
Node Count
/Satoshi:27.1.0/ 6120
/Satoshi:26.0.0/ 2624
/Satoshi:25.0.0/ 2043
/Satoshi:27.0.0/ 1961
/Satoshi:24.0.1/ 747
/Satoshi:28.0.0/ 705
/Satoshi:23.0.0/ 659
/Satoshi:22.0.0/ 449
/Satoshi:26.1.0/ 348
/Satoshi:0.20.1/ 332
/Satoshi:25.1.0/ 323
/Satoshi:25.1.0(FutureBit-Apollo-Node)/ 250
/Satoshi:27.0.0(RoninDojo 2.1.4)/ 224
/Satoshi:0.21.1/ 218
/Satoshi:22.0.0(FutureBit-Apollo-Node)/ 177
/Satoshi:27.1.0/Knots:20240801/ 129
/Satoshi:0.21.0/ 113
/Satoshi:26.2.0/ 107
/Satoshi:0.20.0/ 94
/Satoshi:26.0.0(RoninDojo 2.1.3)/ 54
/Satoshi:28.99.0/ 52
/Satoshi:0.18.0/ 49
/Satoshi:26.1.0/Knots:20240513/ 47
/Satoshi:24.0.0/ 41
/Satoshi:25.99.0/ 39
/Satoshi:26.1.0/Knots:20240325/ 39
/Satoshi:0.19.1/ 38
/Satoshi:27.1.0/Knots:20240621/ 34
/Satoshi:26.0.0(RoninDojo 2.1.1)/ 29
/Satoshi:26.99.0/ 25
/Satoshi:24.2.0/ 20
/Satoshi:0.20.1(Omni: 18
/Satoshi:28.0.0(Samourai Dojo 1.26.0)/ 14
/Satoshi:23.99.0/ 14
/Satoshi:23.0.0(dim-3500)/ 11
/Satoshi: 11
/Satoshi:27.1.0(@emzy)/ 7
/Satoshi:25.0.0(RoninDojo 2.1.1)/ 6
/Satoshi:0.16.1/ 2
/Satoshi:25.2.0(@emzy)/ 2
/Satoshi:28.0.0( 1
/Satoshi:0.18.0(bitcore)/ 1

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